Saturday, December 5, 2009

I have recently bought tea tree oil for acne 10ml how do i use it?

How do i use the tea tree oil and apply to the acne that has darkened my skin?I have recently bought tea tree oil for acne 10ml how do i use it?
Yes, as the other person said, pour a bit onto a cotton ball and rub that over the affected areas.

Be sure to ONLY use Tea Tree Oil on that area and no other medication because Tea Tree has a very strong astringent/drying quality to it. So after applying, feel free to use a lotion/moisturizer over it, but nothing else.

You could also look into (T.Dickinson's) Witch Hazel to apply over acne ridden areas. Helps reduce swelling, and acts as a gentle toner.

Best wishes!I have recently bought tea tree oil for acne 10ml how do i use it?

Here is a list of common uses for Tee Trea Oil and how to apply.

Tea Tree Oil - Common Uses

Because of its many uses it has been referred to as a 'medicine cabinet in a bottle'. Here are just some of them:

1. Acne - apply pure oil to the blemish.

2. Insect bites, razor burn, lice, and dandruff.

3. Cold sores - apply pure oil directly to the sore.

4. Cuts/scrapes %26amp; abrasions - rub a few drops of pure oil into the cut. Do not use tea tree oil on deep cuts and wounds.

5. Nasal ulcers - drip 1-3 drops of oil onto a cotton swab and apply it directly to the affected area.

6. Toothache - drip a few drops directly into the cavity. Or drip a couple drops on your finger and rub the tooth and surrounding gum.

7. Sore throat/throat infection - gargle with 8-10 drops of tea tree oil diluted in half an ounce of water. Repeat two or three times within twenty minutes.

8. Ear infection - drip about three drops of tea tree oil into 5 ml of water. Fill a dropper with the solution and gently fill the ear with it. Hold it in the ear for half a minute and drain. Repeat several times a day or however often is necessary. Do not put pure tea tree oil into the ear. Also, rub pure oil onto the outer surface of the ear.

9. Boils - apply two drops to the boil daily for at least 1 month.

10. Ringworm - apply pure oil daily for at least one month straight. Make sure to do it every day or the fungus can build up a resistance to the oil.

11. Athlete's foot - apply pure oil directly to the feet, on a daily basis for at least a month to make sure the fungus is destroyed. In addition, you can drip several drops into a basin of water and soak the feet.

12. Canker sores - apply pure oil directly to the sore.

13. Oral hygiene - add one drop of oil to your toothbrush when brushing your teeth, or put one drop into the crease of your finger, run dental floss through it and floss.

14. Dandruff - add two or three drops to your shampoo.

So how do you use it? Simple. Just apply it directly onto the affected area of skin, a couple times a day.

A word of caution: Tea Tree oil is very pungent and potent. It should only be used externally, and sparingly. It should not be used on babies or small children. Keep it away from eyes and wash your hands after using it. If you find it too strong, try diluting it with water until you find a comfortable potency.

The web link attached also has a 1/3 off with free delivery!

Hope this helps.
I use it by applying it to a WET cottonball (be sure it's wet-straight undiluted tea tree oil can be bad) then diluting it even a little more by rinsing it under the tap. Then apply it directly to problem areas.
hmm basically for acne treatment u need to apply it on u skin for few hours a day and u can buy glycolic acid from any near pharmacy and u can see changes after a few weeks here are more about natural acne treatments at home鈥?/a>
I had the same problem. There is a lot of junk out there - but I found this stuff that got rid of my

acne in 3 days..... Here is the review I found on it..
You just put a small amount straight on the problem areas. It's not really that effective though. Glycolic acid seems to work better.
Use a cotton bud and apply it neat, directly on to the spot or spots morning and night.

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