Friday, December 11, 2009

Does washing your face with Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash twice a day really help along with medications?

Does the Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash really reduce the level of acne along with medications?Does washing your face with Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash twice a day really help along with medications?
yea i use the foaming face wash, i dont use medications but it really cleared up my skin(i have combo skin type)Does washing your face with Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash twice a day really help along with medications?
Speaking from experience: yes. My face has been very clear and smooth for a long time. It's the only cleanser I use. I use that and a benzoyl cream at night (only on my chin cuz that's where I break out once in a while). Don't forget to exfoliate and moisturize!
I've been using it for a few weeks without anything else and it has done wonders for my acne

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